
One of the primary goals for 十大网赌平台推荐卫生 is to create a healthy community by delivering outstanding health care services to New England residents. Our 社区健康合作伙伴 program supports that mission by developing and implementing programs that engage community members as advisors, 倡导和慈善家改善社区健康和福祉.

By generating discussion about health issues and listening to the opinions and concerns of residents, our community ambassadors can advise 十大网赌平台推荐卫生 staff and help them understand the perspective of people in the communities we serve. Our donors support our philanthropic efforts by providing funding and volunteer time for important programs that are administered through community agencies, allowing us to effectively and efficiently provide support to some of our region’s most vulnerable residents. 和, our advocate network—our newest community engagement initiative—participates in campaigns to promote policies and laws that support improved community health and wellness.

我们的PCW项目允许我们服务的社区的居民采取小规模的行动, 在一起, 能对健康产生重大影响吗. 但也许最重要的是, our programs give community members a voice — and the opportunity to positively influence public health for the benefit of their loved ones, 朋友和邻居.



  • 社区健康合作伙伴 是否有一个由社区成员组成的小组作为顾问与十大网赌平台推荐健康中心合作, advocates and philanthropists to improve community health and wellness across the 十大网赌平台推荐卫生 service area.
  • 咨询. 电讯盈科的谘询工作主要围绕社区大使展开, 谁是社区成员和十大网赌平台推荐卫生工作人员之间的联络人. Our community ambassadors raise awareness and generate discussion about health issues with people in the community and keep staff informed about how the community is thinking about and responding to health issues. Community ambassadors also learn about health initiatives and promote health and wellness in their communities.
  • 慈善事业. PCW members donate time and money to improve the conditions that contribute to health in communities such as education, 运输, 食品安全, 金融稳定.
  • 宣传. PCW’s health advocacy network provides individuals with opportunities to learn about laws and policies that affect community health and promote policies that support improved community health and wellness.

如果可以的话,我愿意永远做这个社区大使项目. 这太棒了,这正是社区,希望十大网赌平台推荐健康中心所需要的……



  • 通过咨询改善十大网赌平台推荐卫生服务区的社区卫生和健康, 倡导和慈善项目.
  • 让社区成员参与有关公共卫生问题的对话.
  • 制定计划,以补充和支持我们的内部社区健康改善工作.
  • 倡导支持改善社区卫生和保健的法律和政策.
一位图片主持人记录了11月27日社区健康合作伙伴年度会议, 2018.


25 - Number of 电讯盈科社区大使s who engaged people in conversations about community health issues documented in Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center and Clinics' community health needs assessment (CHNA)

150 - Number of community members who participated in community ambassador-led conversations about community health issues

75 -为帮助弱势群体接受教育而捐款的人数, 运输, 以及自2016年以来有助于社区健康的其他条件

$93,811 - Total amount donated to support the conditions that contribute to community health and wellness since 2016

55 - Number of vulnerable community members who have received small monetary grants to help them become more financially stable since 2016

15 - Number of PCW members who participated in a campaign to urge New Hampshire state senators to consider proposals that address New Hampshire’s healthcare workforce shortage.

Your community ambassador program has been extremely meaningful to all participants, including me ...



我们明白,金融稳定是健康的主要因素. 这就是为什么PCW制定了“临界点资助计划”, which combines community-based mentorship with donor-funded monetary support to help socioeconomically vulnerable people overcome barriers to employment 金融稳定.

金融稳定是健康和幸福的重要因素. The Tipping Point program is based on the idea that small donations can make a big difference—and can even cause a “tipping point” that leads to financial stability and improved health. The Tipping Point program pools modest financial contributions from donors into funds that are administered by human services agencies in the community.

The human services agencies work with vulnerable individuals to help them develop a plan to achieve financial stability and provide small grants to pay for needs such as education, 运输, 住房, 衣物和其他资源. These small grants “tip” recipients toward financial and social stability by helping them implement the first steps in their plan for self-sufficiency.

来管理这个项目, 我们与包括康科德的过渡家庭在内的机构合作, New Hampshire; Easter Seals in Manchester, New Hampshire; Family Promise in Nashua, New Hampshire; and Upper Valley Haven in White River Junction, 佛蒙特州.

自2016年该项目启动以来, 75名捐赠者捐赠了超过47美元,金额从20美元到5美元不等,000. 到目前为止,有55人获得了“引爆点”资助. 百分之五十五的拨款用于支付交通费用, 23%的拨款用于支付教育费用, and 22 percent of grant funds have been used to pay for 住房 and other employment-related expenses.


  • “引爆点对个人有重大影响.”
  • “引爆点为人们提供了一条自给自足的道路, 否则就会非常困难或根本无法获得."
  • “这个项目帮助那些准备退学的学生留在大学. 这绝对是一个有价值的节目.”



“当时我和我的家人住在安妮·玛丽之家, 我是引爆点基金的幸运获得者. 当我没有和家人在一起的时候,我忙着平衡两份我不感兴趣的工作. I’m so grateful that I was able to receive the grant to participate in the online [IT training] program. Continuing my education in a setting that was right for me restored my self-confidence and drive to better myself and in turn bettered my home life. 谢谢你给我这个机会!”


The community health policy advocacy network provides opportunities for individuals to learn about laws and policies that affect the health of their communities and promote policies that lead to better community health and wellness.

我们的宣传网络-电讯盈科最新的社区参与计划-于2019年4月创建. 在我们最初的一次活动中, 15 PCW members contacted New Hampshire state senators to urge them to consider two legislative proposals that intend to address the state’s health care workforce shortage. The two proposals aim to build the state’s health care workforce by investing in Medicaid and loan repayment programs.