
Take one of our suggested walking tours of the art at 十大网赌平台推荐希区柯克医疗中心. Details from the artwork you will see are below.



Begin your tour at the South Information Desk on Level 4. Directly behind the desk there is a 10-part photograph by Bruce Martin of Boston. In this piece, entitled "Kancamagus Pass," Martin captures the tranquility of this well-known vista.

沃尔夫·卡恩(Wolf Kahn)的《光明的繁荣》(Bright Exuberance)

To the left of the information desk, directly across from the Parking Garage entrance, “明亮的繁荣,沃尔夫·卡恩(Wolf Kahn)的一幅充满活力的粉彩画, serves as a warm welcome to visitors.


Walk back towards the lobby and the mall. On your right, you will find two untitled works by Ellen Mears Kennedy in handmade paper. Notice how the design shifts and moves as you walk by.


Take the main stairs or the lobby elevator down to Level 3. On the lobby walls, two ceramic tile panels, "Sunrise" and "Sunset," are installed. 这位艺术家, 伊丽莎白·麦克唐纳, 手工制作每一块瓷砖, pressing pure pigment into the wet terracotta.

"花岗岩的声明," by Peter Thibeault

On the wall to the left of the elevator, the mixed-media installation by Peter Thibeault entitled 花岗岩的声明 combines natural materials found in New Hampshire. To the left of this sculpture, you will find the entrance to the clinics.

“春水道," by Petria Mitchell

Walk down this hallway until you get to the large oil painting across from the stairs. 在这项工作中, “春水道," Petria Mitchell celebrates the beauty of the Upper Valley as it emerges from a long winter.

埃里克·阿霍的《大黄》(Big Pale Yellow)

Take the stairs or elevator up to Level 4. Across from the stairs is another large painting. 大浅黄,佛蒙特州艺术家埃里克·阿霍的作品, captures another familiar scene: mist rising off the river as it winds through the valley.

克利福德·史密斯(Clifford Smith)的《夏雾II》

Next, take the elevator or stairs up one more flight, to Level 5. Clifford Smith's "Summer Fog II" recalls the tranquility of early mornings on the water, with the sun casting pinks tones onto the fog.

克利福德·史密斯(Clifford Smith)的《夏雾II》

现在,转过身来向上看! The two-story suspended sculpture in the atrium was designed by Seattle artist Koryn Rolstad specifically for this space. Crafted from aluminum and wire mesh, it recalls the artist Henri Matisse's cutouts, 因此得名, “马蒂斯离开."

To end your tour, take the elevator or stairs to Level 6. 这里是门诊中心. Many wonderful works of art create a welcoming environment for our youngest 病人. As you walk through the clinic waiting areas towards the elevators, the captivating "LifeTiles" by Rufus Butler Seder seem to come alive as you pass by.


从主圆形大厅, you can enjoy a changing exhibition located in the glass cases to the left of the main entrance. Now, turn around and walk down the corridor towards the clinic waiting areas areas and the East Mall. When you come to a mini-rotunda, look up! You will see "The Tile Project"—a collaboration among the community, 病人, 工作人员和前客座艺术家, 埃米尔桦木.

Continue down the corridor until you reach the East Mall. Take a left and walk towards the Emergency Department entrance. The set of five prints located at the end of the mall were created by Amparo Carvajal-Hufschmid using a woodblock process. The incredibly rich texture of these works is based on the wood grain found on old barns.


乘电梯到四楼. As you approach the East Mall, you will find a granite sculpture on your left entitled "Owls." This work is by Jim Sardonis, an artist known for his portrayal of animals in family groups.

返回电梯. Notice the picture of the barn hanging in between them. "The Long Barn" by Margaret Lampe Kannenstine was produced using a monotype process whereby acrylic is painted onto a plexiglass plate and then transferred to paper, 从而产生独一无二的图像.


Now, take the elevator or stairs up to Level 5. 在后面的墙上, 在会议室旁边, you will see Doug Trump's "Allowance,一幅布面油画, which does not depict a particular scene or object.

"Flora, Fauna, Aqua," by Nancy Gutkin O'Neil

To end your tour, walk back down the mall. When you reach the elevators, take them to Level 2. In the lobby, "Flora, Fauna, Aqua" by the artist Nancy Gutkin O'Neil, illuminates the space. O'Neil uses many techniques, including silkscreening, etching and handpainting on glass in her work. See how many different plants and animals you can find.