DHART History

DHART flight over mountain
N335DH lands on top of Cardigan Mountain in New Hampshire.

Learn about the history of DHART by year:

1994: DHART begins operations

On July 1, 1994, DHART开始运行,并在上线7分钟后收到了我们的第一个请求. DHART旨在为新罕布什尔州的新英格兰北部地区服务, Vermont, upstate New York, and western Maine.

Since DHART's inception, 该项目在请求数量和完成飞行数量上都有所增长. DHART最初是十大网赌平台推荐希区柯克医疗中心的一个为期三年的试验项目. Now, over twenty years later the DHART team, along with our aviation vendors at Metro Aviation Inc, 作为中心的常设部门,继续为本地区提供这项至关重要的救生服务.

DHART communications station with operator
A DHART Communications Specialist oversees a flight in 1994.

1996: Certificate Of Need (C.O.N.) granted

In 1996, 佛蒙特州卫生保健管理局(后来被佛蒙特州公共监督委员会取代)向DHART颁发了临时需求证书(C.O.N.),但有一项谅解,即成立了一个医疗审查委员会,以评估佛蒙特州DHART直升机项目的适当性和有效性.

The committee included three emergency physicians, three emergency/trauma nurses, 以及来自十大网赌平台推荐希区柯克医疗中心和佛蒙特州几家医院的三名普通外科医生, 其中包括伯灵顿的弗莱彻·艾伦医疗中心(现为佛蒙特大学医疗中心).

委员会完成了审查(1996年2月至11月107次病人飞行),并建议允许DHART继续在佛蒙特州开展业务. 委员会继续每季度召开一次会议,审查佛蒙特州的病人运送情况.

DHART helicopter flying
The original DHART helicopter was an Augusta.

1998: New helicopter put into operation

On December 30th of 1998, DHART put a new helicopter into operation: An American Eurocopter EC135 operated by Metro Aviation Inc., capable of cruising at 150 miles per hour. 它还代表了最新的航空技术,使DHART能够履行为新英格兰北部的危重病人和受伤病人提供护理的使命.


DHART helicopter flying

1999: New on-site hangar opened

On March 1st, 1999 we moved into DHART's new on-site hangar, 位于直升机停机坪旁边的急救中心. 它为主飞机和后备直升机提供了一个封闭和受保护的空间. 机库还为机组人员和地铁航空EMS飞行员提供办公空间,并设有最先进的通信中心.

DHART celebrated its five-year anniversary on July 1, 1999, with a ceremony at the new DHART Hangar and Operations Center. It was attended by former patients, dignitaries, and media.

DHART helicopter and ambulance on helipad
N135DH and a ground ambulance on the original landing pad at DHMC.

2001: Ground-Mobile Intensive Care Unit added

The year 2001 brought many improvements to the DHART program. 我们将DHART地面移动重症监护室添加到DHART运输系统中. DHART地面部向该地区周边医院提供设施间(医院到医院)重症监护运输服务. This has proven to be a very important addition to our program.

In conjunction with Metro Aviation Inc, 我们在7月份用仪表飞行规则(IFR) EC135取代了1999年目视飞行规则(VFR) EC135. This brought added important safety features to our operations. 新飞机有一个全彩色雷达系统,用于监测当前天气状况,并增加了自动驾驶功能.

Additionally, 我们在直升机上增加了实时卫星跟踪,这样DHART通信公司就可以通过卫星直接连接到我们在通信中心的三台个人电脑之一,跟踪我们的进展. 该系统每隔15秒在移动地图上更新一次飞机位置报告,提高了安全性.

DHART Ground-Mobile Intensive Care Unit
DHART的第一辆地面重症监护车是DHART 12,图为DHMC的新直升机停机坪.

2003: New hangar opens

2003 brought many changes at DHART. Due to construction at DHMC, 一个新的经过改进的机库建在北边的停车场,就在急诊科下面, across from the power plant. We moved in on February 17. The hangar allowed all of our operations to be centrally located. It housed our larger communications center, Metro Aviation EMS Pilots quarters, 一个船员室——每个值班的船员都有一个工作站——和每个救护车的停车位, including room for DHART 1 and DHART 2.

A month later on March 17, DHART 10 was put into service. DHART 10 is a highly customized Lifeline Ambulance on a Freightliner chassis. DHART 11,我们的另一个地面设备,也投入使用,作为DHART 10的备份. 我们的两辆地面救护车都能运送两个担架或两个隔离器. 我们所有的空中和地面车辆都采用与DHART 1相同的油漆方案.

A DHART helicopter parked in front of the hangar.
DHART 1, N335DH,展示在黎巴嫩机库,它建于2003年.

2008: Manchester base established

Alongside our partners at Metro Aviation Inc., DHART继续在空中和地面重症监护运输服务的前沿发展. A second base was established in Manchester, 在2008年为该州南部地区提供急需的服务. 夜视镜的使用是所有DHART夜间操作的标准,低空IFR(仪表飞行规则)路线结构现在已经很好地建立起来.

DHART helicopter in a hangar.
DHART 2, N435DH, in the Manchester hangar.

2014: 20-year anniversary celebrated

In 2014 DHART celebrated 20 years of bringing lifesaving service to the region with over 23,000 patients transported by air or ground ambulance.

DHART helicopter flying
N235DH was DHART's first EC135 helicopter. 

2018: New partnership established

Continued growth

DHART transports:

  • 2018: 1,926 patients
  • 1994: 320 patients

Mix of transports:

  • 85.6% inter-facility
  • 14.4% scene

—Data from 2018

DHART与佛蒙特大学医学中心建立了合作伙伴关系,并于2018年10月投入使用. 目标是通过在伯灵顿驻扎一架直升机来增加该地区的空中医疗运输覆盖面, Vermont. Like the helicopters in Lebanon and Manchester, Healthnet 4也是EC 135,配备医疗人员,在与DHART项目相同的先进临床指导下运作.

2019: 25th anniversary marked

DHART's 25th anniversary was celebrated in 2019. DHART项目得到了佛蒙特州和新罕布什尔州公民的大力支持, as well as upstate New York and Maine public safety agencies, hospitals, and EMS colleagues.


DHART helicopter flying