
Our 计划生育 Program provides private contraception, miscarriage and abortion care. Our specially trained clinicians work closely with you to provide safe, effective care based on your needs.

The core goal of our 计划生育 Program is to provide patients with accurate resources and the counseling needed to make their own informed decisions. We are committed to creating a safe, respectful and supportive environment. We understand you may be coming to us at a stressful time in your life. Our team is here to provide you with compassionate, patient-centered care.



We provide the full range of contraceptive options including:

  • Birth control pills, patches, rings, and shots
  • Contraceptive implants (Nexplanon®)
  • IUDs (intrauterine devices)
  • Permanent surgical contraception, including tying or removing the fallopian tubes

All of these options have different levels of effectiveness, benefits and risks. Our staff will provide counseling to help you make the best decision for you.

We can also help when preventing pregnancy is not straightforward, such as:

  • Contraceptive advice for people with medical conditions.
  • Difficult IUD and implant insertions and removals.


Our teams are specially trained in the diagnosis and management of:

  • Miscarriage and fetal loss: loss up to the first 24 weeks of pregnancy
  • 异位妊娠: an abnormal pregnancy that occurs outside of the uterus, often in the fallopian tubes
  • 摩尔怀孕: an abnormal pregnancy that, in rare cases, can lead to cancer

We understand pregnancy loss can be emotional and difficult for many expectant parents. We will connect you to resources including counseling, our perinatal grief support group and chaplain services. Each patient’s situation is different. We will give you the best, individual care you need.


We routinely provide both medication and procedural abortion care up to 23 weeks 6 days of pregnancy. Depending on how far along you are in your pregnancy, your options may include a:

  • 药物流产: ending a pregnancy using medications
  • Procedural abortion in the clinic: ending a pregnancy by having the pregnancy removed by doctors in the clinic
  • 引产: using medications to cause labor and the delivery or passage of the pregnancy
  • Procedural abortion under anesthesia: ending a pregnancy by having providers remove the pregnancy from the uterus while you are under anesthesia

We will ensure you are comfortable and have counseling resources available to help you make the best decision for you. Our staff will provide attention and support through all phases of abortion procedures. No matter your needs, we are here to care for you.

To make an appointment with our 计划生育 group, please call 603-653-9300.