Robotic-Assisted Joint Replacement Surgery

If you need a knee or hip replacement procedure to treat arthritis, 受伤, 或者另一种情况, our orthopedic surgeons at 爱丽丝·派克纪念医院 and 十大网赌平台推荐希区柯克医疗中心 have access to advanced robotic-assisted technology. Using this technology can improve your post-surgical recovery, function and quality of life.

Robotic-assisted joint replacement surgery involves using 机器人技术 to assist in the removal and replacement of your damaged joint. The surgery is similar to traditional joint replacement surgery, but instead of using manual measurement and placement techniques, 骨科医生使用 机器人关节置换系统 进行测量, plan the surgery and guide artificial joint placement for more precise alignment and natural movement.

How successful is robotic joint replacement?

Both robotic and traditional joint replacement procedures have high rates of success for carefully selected patients who follow all pre- and post-surgical recommendations. 十大网赌平台推荐希区柯克医疗中心 is recognized as a High Performing Hospital by U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 for delivering quality hip and knee replacement care.

Robotic-assisted joint replacement offers many benefits to you, including:

  • Precise removal of damaged tissue and joint placement
  • Personalized surgical planning based on your unique anatomy
  • Less trauma to soft tissues, which may lead to reduced pain and a faster recovery
  • Improved positioning and alignment of your artificial joint
  • 减少术中出血
  • Improved stability and balance after surgery
  • A more natural range of motion in the new joint
  • 更快的恢复时间
Surgeon Wayne Moschetti using a new robotic-assisted surgical tool.

十大网赌平台推荐卫生 adopts robotic-assisted technology to aid in joint replacement surgery

Robotic joint replacement technology available at both DHMC and 爱丽丝·派克纪念医院.


Who is a candidate for robotic joint replacement surgery?

Robotic joint replacement may be used to treat a variety of conditions, from common to complex. Your orthopedic surgeon will perform your joint replacement procedure using the techniques and technology that best suit your unique needs.

What can I expect during my joint replacement procedure at 十大网赌平台推荐卫生?

十大网赌平台推荐卫生’s orthopedic surgeons perform more than 2,200 primary joint replacements and revisions each year, placing them among the most experienced joint surgeons in 新汉普郡, 佛蒙特州, 和缅因州.

When you choose us for your joint replacement procedure, 你可以期待高质量, comprehensive care—starting at the time of your initial consultation and continuing through your recovery.

You can elect to have your joint replacement procedure performed at 十大网赌平台推荐希区柯克医疗中心 in 黎巴嫩, 新汉普郡, or at a member hospital in your own community. Robotic-assisted joint replacement technology is currently available at 十大网赌平台推荐希区柯克医疗中心 and 爱丽丝·派克纪念医院.

Learn more about what to expect during joint replacement at 十大网赌平台推荐卫生.

Our robotic-assisted joint replacement technology

Our robotic-assisted orthopedic surgery technology allows for personalized surgical planning and precise joint alignment for knee and hip replacements. Our robotic-assisted orthopedic technology includes:

  • VELYS™机器人辅助解决方案. The VELYS Robotic-Assisted Solution combines 3D modeling technology with real-time measurements and data gathered during surgery to help your surgeon understand your unique joint anatomy. This allows your surgeon to remove damaged bone and cartilage and place your new joint with increased accuracy.
  • CORI手术系统. The CORI手术系统 uses 3D modeling and allows your surgeon to plan and perform your joint replacement safely and accurately. This system eliminates the need for metal rods and pre-surgical CT scans or MRIs.
  • NextAR Augmented Reality Surgical Platform. NextAR provides 3D planning tools and real-time data that may enhance your surgical experience. These tools and data allow your surgeon to make adjustments based on your unique anatomy and range of motion.


For more information about robotic-assisted joint replacement or to schedule an appointment with one of our orthopedic surgeons, 联系 爱丽丝·派克日整形外科 or 黎巴嫩骨科 (十大网赌平台推荐希区柯克医疗中心).