
我们为鼻窦疾病提供全面的治疗和服务. 我们可以在办公室或门诊提供多种治疗.


  • 可吸收的鼻植入物: This minimally invasive in-office treatment supports the upper and lower cartilage inside your nose's lateral (side) wall. 我们用这种方法来防止鼻孔的动态塌陷.
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    Computed tomography (CT) of the sinuses showing a spontaneous CSF leak from a right ethmoid sinus skull base defect
    Computed tomography (CT) of the sinuses showing a spontaneous CSF leak from a right ethmoid sinus skull base defect involving the lateral lamella of the cribriform plate, repaired endoscopically
    脑脊液(CSF)泄漏和脑膨出修复: Spinal fluid leaks into the nose may occur spontaneously or as a result of craniofacial trauma. These leaks can usually be repaired endoscopically through the nose to prevent the development of meningitis. We perform these endoscopic repairs by inserting a thin instrument into the nose.
  • 化学烧灼或电手术我们在办公室用这个来治疗反复或严重的流鼻血. In this procedure, the doctor uses a chemical swab or electric current to seal blood vessels and create scar tissue, 哪种方法有助于预防流鼻血.
  • Cryotherapy ablation这是一种治疗慢性鼻引流和鼻炎的室内手术 vasomotor rhinitis (非过敏性流鼻水). 低温消融使用极冷来冻结和破坏组织.
  • 培养导向抗生素治疗: This therapy involves delivering a high dose of topical antibiotics to an area in the nose. 确保使用了正确的抗生素, 医生先从鼻子上取培养物(样本). 这种疗法可以用来治疗 sinusitis 当出现抗生素耐药性问题时.
  • 内窥镜泪囊鼻腔造口术: Endoscopic DCR is a treatment for watery eyes (epiphora) caused by a blockage in the lacrimal system. This minimally invasive procedure involves creating a small opening to provide a new path for tears to drain between your eyes and nose.
  • 内窥镜眼眶减压术这是一种治疗甲状腺眼病的手术,又称甲状腺眼病 Graves' ophthalmopathy. 本病可发生前或伴有其他症状 hyperthyroidism. The surgery removes small amounts of bone that surrounds the eye to help reduce the bulging appearance of the eye.
  • Endoscopic septoplasty: This procedure can relieve symptoms of nasal obstruction caused by a severely deviated septum. The minimally invasive surgery involves removing the deviated part of the nasal septum. This procedure generally avoids having to use nasal splints and packing after surgery.
  • 内窥镜颅底手术: We use this minimally invasive surgery to remove pituitary tumors or other growths from the bottom (base) of the skull. Patients who have endoscopic skull base surgery recover more quickly than those who have traditional surgery through an open incision. 他们也有较低的并发症风险和相似的成功率. 这个多学科的外科手术包括鼻科医生(鼻窦外科医生), 谁会通过一个鼻孔打开鼻窦, and a neurosurgeon, who works through the other nostril to remove the portion of the tumor involving the skull base. This approach offers the advantage of having 2 surgeons and 4 hands performing the surgery.
  • 内镜下蝶腭动脉结扎术: This is an effective treatment for some cases of hard-to-cure posterior nosebleeds that are not related to an underlying systemic disease or bleeding disorder. 蝶腭动脉是鼻子后部的一条血管. 结扎是关闭血管的过程.
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    Healthy, functional frontal sinuses after surgery to remove nasal polyps (extended Draf III frontal sinusotomy)
    功能性内窥镜鼻窦手术: The goal of this minimally invasive surgery is to restore the natural drainage to the sinuses. 它还允许使用局部药物来治疗鼻窦.
  • 单克隆抗体治疗息肉: These novel, non-steroidal medical therapies approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are a non-surgical option to reduce nasal polyps.
  • 鼻瓣修复及功能性鼻整形: Nasal valve repair and functional rhinoplasty are surgical approaches to optimize airflow through the nose and alleviate nasal obstruction.
  • Olfactory testing嗅觉测试可以评估你对常见气味的感知能力. A nationally recognized and standardized scratch-and-sniff test evaluates your sense of smell identification for 40 common odors. This testing may help determine the presence and severity of your loss of smell, 根据你这个年龄嗅觉正常的人的数据.
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  • 射频消融下鼻甲鼻甲是鼻子里用来湿润的微小结构, heat, 并在空气通过鼻子进入肺部时进行过滤. 下鼻甲是最大的鼻甲. This in-office treatment is used to treat nasal obstruction caused by an inflamed or swollen inferior turbinate. The treatment involves using a needle-like instrument to apply heat-producing radio waves to the turbinate.
  • 立体定向计算机辅助(导航)手术计算机辅助手术导航是我们在特殊情况下使用的工具. These devices provide precise information about the location of surgical instruments within the sinuses during surgery. 它们也可以用来创建3D重建,以帮助你的外科医生. We typically use stereotactic computer-assisted surgery during procedures to correct a previous operation, treat nasal polyps, or remove skull base tumors where normal surgical landmarks have been removed or altered. Surgeons combine the information from the computer along with their training.
  • 血管舒缩性鼻炎手术这种手术治疗可能是慢性肾结石患者的一种选择 vasomotor rhinitis (非过敏性流鼻水) and vasomotor rhinitis that responds to topical medications.


Benign tumors

An inverted papilloma is the most common benign soft tissue tumor of the sinuses. 其他类型的良性肿瘤包括:

  • Adenoma
  • Hemangioma
  • 青少年鼻咽血管纤维瘤(JNA)
  • Schwannoma
  • Squamous papilloma

These benign tumors are generally removed endoscopically without any incisions. 更广泛的肿瘤可能需要在眉毛处隐藏一个小切口.


复发性左额窦内翻性乳头状瘤 before and after resection
A recurrent left frontal sinus inverted papilloma before and after surgery


Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma before and after endoscopic resection without preoperative embolization
A juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma before and after endoscopic surgery without preoperative embolization

Malignant tumors

恶性窦瘤并不常见. 恶性窦性肿瘤有很多种类型,包括:

  • Adenoid cystic carcinoma
  • Adenocarcinoma
  • Mucosal melanoma
  • Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
  • Neuroendocrine tumors
  • 嗅觉神经母细胞瘤(感觉神经母细胞瘤)
  • Squamous cell carcinoma

For these tumors, we often recommend surgery as an initial management approach. 我们通常可以在内窥镜下做这个手术. 进一步的术后治疗可能涉及放疗, chemotherapy, or both, depending upon the type of tumor and the recommendations of our multidisciplinary 头颈部癌症项目 team.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showing a left olfactory neuroblastoma with extension to the left medial orbital wall and the nasal septum before and after endoscopic surgery