Frequently Asked Questions 关于 药店 服务


一般 questions:

Prescription by mail questions:


What is the automated prescription refill call-in line?


如需补充,请致电药房并按照说明进行操作. You will need:

  • 处方编号(位于处方标签左上方)
  • Your insurance information





  • Pet medication
  • Unused or expired over-the-counter medication
  • Unused or expired prescription medication


  • Aerosol cans
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Illegal drugs
  • 吸入器
  • Lotions or liquids
  • Schedule I controlled substances
  • Thermometers


你现在可以在迪克霍尔的房子药房或柴郡医疗中心药房接种疫苗(如果符合条件)! Starting January 1, 2023, Centerra的D-H药房已停止提供所有疫苗,直至另行通知.


If you are 18 years old or older, you can receive the following immunizations, without an appointment and often in less than 20 minutes.

  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • 人乳头状瘤病毒
  • 流感
  • Meningococcal
  • MMR
  • 肺炎
  • 带状疱疹
  • 破伤风白喉百日咳混合疫苗


What can the D-H 药店 服务 app do for me?

The D-H 药店 服务 app is available for iOS and Android. Its features include:

  • 当处方准备好在药房取药时发出警报
  • Daily reminders to take medication at the right time
  • 完全访问处方信息,包括处方号, 药物名称, and strength, directions for use, prescribing physician, refills remaining, estimated due date for a refill, and last fill date.
  • Refill reminders for on-going medications
  • 能够选择您喜欢的通信方式:电子邮件或文本

What if I can’t pick up my prescriptions?


  • 亚利桑那州
  • 加州
  • 科罗拉多州
  • 连接icut
  • 佛罗里达
  • 乔治亚州
  • 爱达荷州
  • 伊利诺斯州
  • 印第安纳州
  • 爱荷华州
  • 缅因州
  • Massachusetts
  • New Hampshire
  • 新泽西
  • 纽约
  • North Carolina
  • 俄亥俄州
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • South Dakota
  • 德州
  • 犹他州
  • 佛蒙特州
  • 维吉尼亚州
  • Washington

德州 State Board of 药店 (TSPB) website

For more information, see "Prescriptions by mail," below.

请注意: Certain prescriptions require a signature at delivery. Please ask the pharmacy team for additional details.

Prescriptions by mail

How do I sign up to have prescriptions mailed to me?

我们的送货上门服务适用于所有新英格兰的居民和其他许多人. 航运是免费的,我们服务的州也在不断扩大. 联系 us to learn more.

To enroll in home-delivery services, please complete the 十大网赌平台推荐 Delivery Agreement.

点击 提交 will send a copy of the agreement to our pharmacy.

我们的团队成员将直接与您联系,核实您的信息并要求您提供付款信息. If you would prefer, you may also enroll by calling 603-653-3785.

请注意:由于医疗保险和医疗补助服务中心(CMS)的规定, 我们无法邮寄由医疗保险B支付的糖尿病检测用品.

When and how will my prescription be mailed?


您可以选择通过USPS, UPS或联邦快递接收您的处方.

  • 所有冷藏药品将通过联邦快递优先隔夜或UPS次日空运发送,不收取额外费用.
  • 如果邮寄到邮局信箱,它必须通过美国邮政总局交付.

部分处方需要在收货时签名. Some of these prescriptions include:

  • ADHD medications
  • ADD medications
  • Hepatitis C medications
  • Pain medications
  • Medications paid for by Medicare B.

请求例外,并更新您的处方状态, please contact the pharmacy.

What do I need to know about Green Cell Foam coolers?

如果您的处方必须冷藏,我们将用绿色细胞泡沫冷却器运送. 绿色细胞泡沫是环保的,由100%纯天然制成, non-GMO corn that is grown in the U.S. 他们的产品产生的温室气体比传统的聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料箱少80%,使用的能源少70%.

How can I dispose of a Green Cell Foam cooler?

  • Let it dissolve in water. 绿色细胞泡沫是安全的化粪池,管道和废物处理设施.
  • Leave it outside, or compost it. It is biodegradable!
  • Use it as a fire starter in a fireplace or fire pit.

Learn more about disposing of Green Cell Foam coolers.

Is the foam insulation toxic?

No! It is non-toxic and biodegradable, 这意味着无论你选择哪种处理方法,它对环境都是安全的.

Are the ice packs biodegradable?

Unfortunately, the ice packs are not biodegradable. 然而,它们是可重复使用的,可以在家里供个人使用.


如果你的冷却器内部有严重的损坏,由于运输过程中的水损坏. Please reach out to the pharmacy at 603-653-3785 to determine the safe-use of your medication.


由于这些冷却器的性质和它们的环保特性, 我们将不再提供返回运输到药房处理. Please see above on how you can dispose of these coolers.


是的. 你可以花40美元隔夜邮寄你的处方,或者花5美元选择签名.

请注意: These fees are for elected services only. 如果您的处方符合我们要求隔夜或签名服务的标准政策, there is no additional charge.


Please contact us at 603-653-3785 与药房代表交谈,以便在您下次补充之前尽早更新此信息.

药房对邮寄中遗失或损坏的处方概不负责. 更换处方的费用将由患者的保险公司自行决定.