
The Dartmouth-Hitchcock (D-H) 专业药房 provides many prescription services to our patients. 请参阅以下主题部分以了解有关我们提供的服务的更多信息.


如果你有医疗紧急情况,请打电话 911 立即.

如果你有自杀的想法,请联系国家预防自杀生命线 800-273-8255. 他们提供免费和保密的支持,每天24小时,每周7天.

如果你或你所爱的人需要药物滥用/成瘾的支持,请致电药物滥用和精神健康服务管理局. 号码是 800-662-4357. They will refer you to a treatment facility, support group, or community group.

如果你有非紧急药物反应 请致电 855-280-3893. We are here 24/7 to address your concerns and report them to your prescriber if needed.

在灾难或紧急情况下,你需要离开你的家, take at least one week's worth of medication with you and inform us of your location. 灾难会影响到你所在地区的航运吗.e., 暴风雪/飓风), we will contact you to ship medication early or will order your medication locally to avoid disruptions in therapy. If you think you will be impacted by a disaster, call us to discuss your needs.



所有处方保险计划都是不同的. 为了帮助你了解你的好处,这里有一些常用的术语:

  • Refill-too-soon你想在你的保险公司批准之前就重新开处方. Most insurances allow you to refill your medication once a certain amount of it is used. 这是基于你的供应应该持续的天数. If your dose has increased or you are going on vacation, please call the pharmacy.
  • 数量的限制: Your provider has written for more medication than your insurance will cover. This can be limited to tablets per day or by how much medication you can receive at a time. Our staff will explain this and work with you to answer any questions or concerns.
  • 一步的治疗你的保险计划要你试试其他便宜些的药, 或者在他们支付处方药之前的“步骤”.
  • 之前的授权: The medication being prescribed is not covered by your plan without supporting information, 比如尝试过的药物治疗失败了. 药房将与您的医疗服务提供者办公室合作,以获得此授权. 我们会通知您最新情况.
  • 共同付费: Depending on your insurance it is either a fixed or variable cost for a service made each time you use the service. 配药就是一个例子.
  • 网络药店: A pharmacy that contracts with insurance to offer services cheaper to members of that plan. 有些保险会告诉你要用某一种药. 我们会告诉你哪家药店最适合你的计划.

We will call you if a prescription sent to the D-H 专业药房 has issues with your insurance.


To qualify for our program, you need to have a prescription for a 专业 medication. 这个处方可能由您的医生发给我们. Also, through a transfer from an outside pharmacy or, you can bring in a paper prescription. 在我们拿到你的处方之后, we will work with your insurance company to determine the timeline for processing, 包括事先授权, 一步的治疗, 共付费用和任何自付费用.

我们将与您联系,讨论保险要求, 航运选项, 处方费用, 提供药物信息, 回答你们的任何问题.

除非另有说明, 所有处方都将使用fda批准的仿制药.


我们的药剂师将每月与您联系,安排重新配药. 你应该改变治疗方案还是需要提前补药, 请打电话给药房,并要求与专业药房的工作人员通话.


If you are currently filling your 专业 medications elsewhere and would like to transfer your care to the D-H 专业药房, 请给我们打电话. 请提供您目前的专业药房名称和号码. 我们的工作人员会把处方转交给您,准备好后再联系您. 我们还可以为您补充其他长期用药.

请向我们的工作人员求助. We may be unable to fill your 专业 medication because some insurance plans may require you to fill your prescription at another pharmacy. 此外,一些制造商限制获得这些药物. 当这种情况发生时, we will notify you and work with your provider to send the prescription(s) to the correct pharmacy. If you have any questions about this process or if you need an update, 请给我们打电话 or email.




  • 你的药物如何起作用
  • 如何服药
  • 与其他药物的潜在相互作用
  • 存储
  • 副作用监测
  • 什么时候安排实验室工作
  • 何时与您的提供商联系
  • 安全的药物处置
  • 安排下次续杯
  • 确认给药细节
  • 如果有任何问题

每个人的治疗方法都不一样. The D-H 专业药房 will create a care plan to meet your specific needs. All discussions between you and the pharmacist are recorded in your medical record and made available to your provider.

We realize that your medical care may involve multiple providers and facilities. 应您或您的医疗服务提供者的要求,我们可以分享您的护理计划.

If you do not want to receive Clinical Management phone calls, please contact us and ask to opt out.


我们需要你的帮助,这样我们才能帮助你. 你必须愿意积极参与我们的项目. This allows access to the health care benefits provided by our 专业 pharmacy team. This includes responding to our outreach calls and providing updates about your health. You need to be willing to take your medication on time and as instructed in order for it to work properly. Consultations with a pharmacist do not replace appointments with your provider.


We provide the following resources to help you learn about your medical condition and treatment:

  • 亲自或通过电话星期一到星期五上午8点到下午4点半给我们打电话
    • 本地号码: 603-653-3737
    • 免费电话和电子邮件: Please see the 专业药房 toll-free number and email address in the "十大网赌平台推荐" drop-down in the upper-right corner of this page.
  • 几个小时之后下班后如果你需要帮助, 打电话给专业药房 toll-free number (see the "十大网赌平台推荐" section at the top of this page).


We work with your provider to get your new medication covered by sending a prior authorization to your plan. 如果被拒绝,我们将协助上诉. 一旦批准,我们将为您的计划开账单以找到“共付额”." Since we are committed to your care, we will use every resource to lower this cost.


  • 本地号码: 603-653-3737
  • 免费电话和电子邮件: Please see the 专业药房 toll-free number and email address in the "十大网赌平台推荐" drop-down in the upper-right corner of this page.


Your refrigerated medications will be shipped overnight at no charge via FedEx or UPS. 所有非冷藏药物都通过联邦快递、UPS或USPS运输. 我们将在发货前与您联系. 我们将确认送货地址和自付费用. 请尽快给我们回电话,以免延误.

Any mailed items are processed within 2 business days and will be delivered via courier within 3 to 5 business days. 跟踪号码可根据要求提供.

Should there be a delay, you will be notified to prevent interruptions in therapy. 如果我们的药房无法提供您的药物, 我们会帮你从别的药房拿药.

Please open your order and review the contents 立即 after you receive them to ensure your order is correct and complete. 我们鼓励您尽快妥善储存您的药物. Please call the D-H 药店 within one business day to report missing or damaged contents.

感谢您阅读关于D-H专业药房的信息. 我们欢迎反馈并希望改进. 如果你对邮购服务感兴趣, 完成满意度调查或客户投诉, 或者指派代表, 打电话给专业药房.

To contact patient support and check a prescription status, call the pharmacy. For after-hours questions, use the prompts to speak with a member of our 专业 staff.


如果您的订单因天气原因而延迟, 缺货, 或者保险问题, D-H药房会打电话给你,以避免错过剂量. 如果您对错过的剂量有疑问,请致电或发邮件给我们:

  • 本地号码: 603-653-3737
  • 免费电话和电子邮件: Please see the 专业药房 toll-free number and email address in the "十大网赌平台推荐" drop-down in the upper-right corner of this page.

The New Hampshire Board of 药店 prevents medication returns after its sale. 我们努力确保您的订单是正确的,然后离开网站. If having a prescription mailed, open it 立即 to ensure your order is complete.

It is your responsibility to contact the D-H 药店 within one business day to report missing or damaged contents.