
烟草会上瘾, but quitting can be easier 和 more successful with help from our Treatment Program. Our judgment-free program is open to anyone who wants freedom from tobacco, including vapes. We are here to help you quit 和 to provide support 和 advice to your family 和 loved ones who want to help you quit.

我们的营业时间是从周一到周五的上午9点到下午5点. 欲了解更多或预约,请致电 603-650-1880.

The tobacco treatment program helped me see how much tobacco ruled my life 和 that, 在正确的帮助下, 我可以这样做. 而且我不用一个人去!




Tobacco treatment is evidence-based professional guidance for people who want to quit using tobacco or cut down. Some of the products that we can help you quit are: cigarettes, vap (e-cigs), 咀嚼烟草, 雪茄, 管道, 鼻烟, 鼻烟, 和水烟. The program is also for people who want help staying tobacco-free after quitting.

在烟草治疗期间, you may learn behavioral strategies to keep from using tobacco 和/or use FDA-approved medications to address nicotine addiction.

What should I expect at my first tobacco treatment appointment?

Your first tobacco treatment appointment is usually a one-hour visit with a tobacco treatment specialist. 你可以和你的专家谈谈你的:

  • 烟草使用史
  • 辞职的原因
  • 对辞职的担忧
  • 之前的退出尝试
  • 病史

如果你决定放弃(或减少), we can also work with you to build a quit plan that works for your needs 和 lifestyle. We have many strategies to help you quit, including medication 和 behavioral options.

How many times will I meet with my tobacco treatment specialist?

You can meet with your tobacco treatment specialist one time or many times – it’s up to you. Many people find it helpful to meet before quitting to form a solid plan, 同时为了额外的支持而辞职. 在这些任命中,我们的做法将侧重于:

  • 永远保持无评判和无责备
  • 设定你觉得舒服的目标
  • 建立并保持你的动力
  • 监测烟草治疗药物
  • 跟踪进展
  • 应对尼古丁戒断和其他故障排除

Will my insurance cover the cost of the 烟草治疗方案?

它可能. It’s always best to contact your insurance provider for the most up-to-date information. Most insurance companies have a customer service telephone line 和/or online portal where you can check this information.

如果你没有保险, you can call the 烟草治疗方案 at 603-650-8537 了解更多 about your options.


If using the 烟草治疗方案 in Lebanon won’t work for you, 你可以尝试其他一些选择:

  • 和你的医疗保健提供者谈谈 about tobacco treatment medications 和 other ways to quit.
  • 联系1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) 进入你所在州的电话热线. The requirements to participate 和 the services offered differ by state.
  • 参观 退出新罕布什尔网站 to learn about state resources for New Hampshire residents.
  • 参观 802年退出网站 以了解更多佛蒙特州居民的州资源.
  • 使用智能手机应用程序QuitGuide or QuitSTART.
  • 使用短信程序:
  • 访问 无烟.政府 了解更多.


是的. A tobacco treatment specialist can meet with you by telephone or by video using our 远程医疗系统.

How can I support someone who is not ready to quit tobacco?


  • 了解尼古丁成瘾. This underst和ing can help you show empathy when your loved one is ready to make a change.
  • 学学上面这些戒烟资源吧. With this knowledge, you can be a source of support when someone is ready to make a change.
  • 承认戒烟的困难. Many people who use tobacco have tried to quit before 和 have fears about trying to quit again. 例如, 许多人担心尼古丁戒断, 哪些因素会导致注意力难以集中, 易怒, 焦虑, 头痛和睡眠困难. Acknowledging that quitting can be difficult can make it easier for your loved one to talk about their concerns 和 find ways to address them.
  • Encourage some limitations until a person is ready to quit. Talk about limiting tobacco use at home, work, 和/or in the car. 例如,你可以同意将烟草使用限制在室外. Taking steps like this can show a tobacco user that change is possible 和 bring that person closer to the goal of quitting for good.



  • 让你的家和车里没有烟草. This means that nobody should use any tobacco in those places. 扔掉打火机, 烟灰缸, 和 any other tobacco items 和 washing laundry 和 cleaning carpets to remove tobacco smells can help.
  • 学习可能有帮助的东西,并帮助获得它. People quitting tobacco may need to buy tobacco treatment medications, 健康的零食, gum or cinnamon sticks to chew on (instead of tobacco products), 或者吃薄荷糖和糖果.
  • 制定有趣的计划! Going for a nice walk together is one healthy way to distract someone from tobacco cravings. Exercise is an especially good activity if someone is worried about gaining weight when quitting tobacco.
  • 庆祝成功. 庆祝最初的几个小时, 天, 和 weeks of living tobacco-free with words of praise or other gestures. 放弃是艰难的,值得被认可!  
  • 询问对方感觉如何. Asking can show that you care about the person’s experiences, not just their tobacco behaviors. 如果戒烟过程很艰难, the person who’s quitting may even worry about disappointing you. 试着用一种冷静而真诚的语气问, which can help to show you are interested to hear about good parts 和 challenges. 
  • 表现出耐心、友善和支持. 难以集中注意力, 易怒, 焦虑, 头痛, 和 trouble sleeping are some of the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. 大多数戒烟的人都有这些症状, but many people don’t realize that these feelings are related to quitting. 给予支持,而不是针对你.


A slip是指某人在戒烟后再次吸烟. Having a slip is very common when someone is trying to quit tobacco. 如果有人滑倒了, you can help them recover before it turns into a relapse of regular tobacco use. 帮助一个人从滑倒中恢复过来的一些方法是:

  • Acknowledge that slips are common when people try to quit tobacco.
  • 和他们谈谈辞职的原因.
  • Help the person think about what caused the slip 和 how to avoid similar situations in the future (or how to respond differently, 没有烟草).
  • 鼓励这个人再次戒烟.
  • Praise the person’s willingness to try quitting 和 try again.