SUMHI Professional Development and Education

Behavioral health slide sets by Dartmouth Health staff

以下是十大网赌平台推荐健康学院的教职员工就物质使用和心理健康相关的关键主题制作的一些幻灯片. We hope these may be helpful to you in your work. 如果您有兴趣让他们提供演示,请随时与作者联系.

Ongoing resources

Archived webinars and conference material

Enduring Dartmouth Health trainings

护理大查房-过度饮酒:护士在筛查中的作用,简短干预(建议) & Referral for Treatment

护士在所有医疗机构中都会遇到受过度饮酒影响的患者. 本报告将讨论过度饮酒对健康的影响,并探讨护士在减少过度饮酒相关风险方面未充分发挥的作用.
Credit(s):1 Contact Hour(s) ANCC > Nursing Contact Hours


Credit(s):1 Credit(s) ACCME > AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™

Medicine Grand Rounds - C. Everett Koop Lecture: Marijuana: A Prescription for Trouble?

Dr. 甘德森从2001年开始追踪大麻产业的发展,当时医用大麻卡首次在科罗拉多州发行, to full legalization for recreational and medical use in 2012. 
Credit(s):1 Credit(s) DHMC > AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™

C. Everett Koop讲座:医学圆桌会议-“医用大麻”:我们知道什么和不知道什么

Dr. Budney reviews the complexities surrounding the legality, misinformation, product lines, research, potency, and potential of marijuana. 
Credit(s):1 Credit(s) DHMC > AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™

Surgery Grand Rounds June 19, 2020 -阿片类药物使用障碍患者疼痛和成瘾的围手术期管理

Dr. 阿奇博尔德回顾了阿片类药物成瘾如何影响大脑化学物质,导致痛觉过敏和情绪控制丧失, leading to poor decision making when seeking relief from dysphoria. 
Credit(s):1 Credit(s) DHMC > AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™

SUMHI seminars/webinars/symposia

  • 2018 NH Behavioral Health Conference Materials
    Monday, December 10, 2018
    2018年NH行为健康会议的六个会议符合NH DSRIP/IDN项目的培训要求 posted at the Northern NH Area Health Education Consortium (NNHAHEC) site. Free of charge with CE credits.
    Topics include:
    • The Community Care Team: A Model Strategy for Systems Alignment
    • Understanding and Addressing Substance Use Disorders as Chronic Medical Conditions
    • Enhanced Care Coordination for High Needs Populations from Multiple Perspectives
    • 初级保健行为健康整合的核心能力:知识、技能和态度
    • Chronic Disease information for Behavioral Health Providers
    • Facilitated Integrated Care Success with Co-Occurring Disorders: A Case Study
  • Clinical Science of Addiction
    Monday, December 10, 2018, 4:00 to 5:00 pm, DHMC Auditorium F
    Seddon Savage MD, MS, is a clinician, educator, and advocate in the fields of addiction medicine and pain medicine. 成瘾对大脑的影响既有短期的,也有长期的,这会导致成瘾者的行为方式发生变化, react, and experience the environment around them. Understanding these changes can help us address the disease of addiction more effectively.
    View the event video.
  • De-Stigmatizing Approaches
    Monday, February 11, 2019, 4:00 to 5:00 pm, DHMC Auditorium A
    Teri LaRock MSW, LICSW: Clinical Program Director at Mom’s in Recovery Cheri Breyer, CRSW:妈妈康复中心的康复教练在康复和成瘾的家庭经常感到耻辱, making change difficult. If we can re-frame how we approach families who have various social vulnerabilities, then we can support them with care and compassion, strengthening their support and meeting various needs to improve health.
    Event materials:
  • Trauma Informed Care Presentation
    Monday, January 7, 2019, DHMC Fuller Board Room
    Erin Barnett, 博士是十大网赌平台推荐学院精神病学的助理教授他将介绍理解儿童创伤的基础, its impact on children and families, and approaches to providing trauma-informed care that supports understanding, healing, and coping.
    View the event video.
  • 十大网赌平台推荐健康计划的最新进展,以优化阿片类药物使用障碍患者的护理,减少阿片类药物相关伤害
    Monday, March 4, 2019, 5:00 to 6:30 pm, DHMC Auditorium H
    Meeting goals:
    • 向十大网赌平台推荐健康中心的工作人员和其他感兴趣的人员通报最新进展,以改善对OUD/SUD患者的护理,减少阿片类药物相关伤害
    • 盘点与OUD患者护理和/或其他举措相关的任何未确定或持续的挑战
    • Identify opportunities to expand engagement
    • Event video
    • Event slides (PPTX)